Canadian Retail Halloween Spending [Statistics]

Running Halloween promotions in Canada can pay off in a big way, according to predictions from The Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada, and a recent survey from the Retail Council of Canada.  Be they your own products or an affiliate’s products, cashing in on the third most lucrative retail season can get the year’s fourth quarter off to a roaring start.

The Retail Council of Canada’s nation-wide poll of 1004 Canadians indicates that Halloween is only trumped by Christmas and Back to School.  That is primarily due to it being much more than a candy or gift holiday like  Easter or Valentine’s Day.  Halloween decorations are often more elaborate, parties demand costumes, pets get dressed up for contests and cuteness, and of course, Halloween night requires costumes and candy for the children.  It’s a holiday that isn’t limited to those who have a sweetheart or children, everyone can participate in a number of ways.

Canadian Halloween Spending Statistics from the Retail Council of Canada’s Nation-Wide PollCanadian Retail Halloween Spending [Statistics] - Copyrighted Image

  • While some may be cutting back in these troubled economic times, three-quarters of those polled still intend to spend about the same amount this Halloween as they did last year. Young adults (18-24) are most inclined to spend more this year.
  • The poll concludes that single-person households in Canada spend an average of $24 on Halloween. Canadians with three people in the home will spend about $66.  Households with four members will hand over $75.
  • Half of Halloween shoppers stated that 75-100% of their budget will be spent on candy.
  • Quebec is Canada’s Halloween capital, it would seem. They’re inclined to spend more on costumes than those in British Columbia. Quebec households will also spend more on creating a spooky atmosphere with decorations than residents of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and British Columbia.

2012 Canadian Halloween Spending Predictions from the Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada

  • Unlike the above poll indicates, predictions based on past purchasing patterns suggest the average family of four will spend about $300 on Halloween.
  • Seven out of ten Canadians celebrating Halloween will spend more in 2012 than the $1.5 billion they blew last year.
  • More than 40% of Canadians will decorate their yard and almost half will dress up in costume.
  • Canadians will spend $322 million on Halloween candy.
  • $60 will be spent on each costume per household.
  • 11% of Canadians will spend up to $59 to dress up their pet for Halloween.
  • About $19 will be spent on decorations per household.
  • An estimated $8 will be spent on Halloween greeting cards in each residence.

Selection is important, as is offering a few unique items to grab your share of Halloween sales.  Offering great prices and incentives like low flat-rate shipping or free shipping will give you an edge over other online retailers.  Promote your deals on social media and compete for traffic more effectively by purchasing search engine ad’s.

Bonus Tip:  For unique decorations or costumes to offer on your retail website, look no further than your local crafters!

How do you plan to cash in on Halloween?  What I’d really like to know is if anyone else has noticed how tiny the treat chocolate bars have become while the prices just keep going up? But that’s a topic for us to bring up to suppliers. 🙂

Harris/Decima Poll: Data were collected by phone from September 20th through September 23rd 2012. A total of 1,004 completed surveys were conducted with a margin of error of +/-3.1 percentage points 19 times out of 20. The data were weighted to be reflective of the Canadian general population (age/gender by region) based on the 2006 Canadian Census. Conducted for the Retail Council of Canada.
Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada


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Melody McKinnon
Digital Business & Marketing Manager at  | Website |  + posts

Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.

Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on,,, and, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.

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We go nuts on Halloween every year but it’s so much fun and the kids love it!

Blake Osborne

I can only imagine what the starving people in the world would think about this. It’s a great opportunity for those of us who are lucky enough to have it. I promote affiliates for Halloween.

Greg P.

It’s scary what people will go into debt for!

Josephine (Jo)

Lots of competition for those dollars but a creative person could still find ways to make money from halloween.


WOW!!!! I didn’t know we’re so into Halloween. As you’ve demonstrated, it does have income potential for Canadian web businesses.