As we’ve seen in other statistics, Deloitte’s annual holiday survey of 2008 Canadians 18+  indicates more will shop online this holiday season.  They’re still not too enthusiastic about using their SmartPhone to shop online, but they are big fans of omnichannel benefits.

73.2% of Canadian consumers will use the Internet to assist in holiday shopping, with 29.9% choosing a mobile device.  They will visit store sites, social media, blogs and other online shopping resources in their quest for the perfect gift.  Canadians will surf for inspiration, information, price comparison and discounts.

Statistical Snapshot of Canadian Online Holiday Shoppers in 2013

  • 27.9% of Canadians prefer online shopping to going to stores
  • Canadian consumers will spend 18.9% of their holiday budget online
  • Online shopping and deals appeal most to those earning over $75,000/year
  • 26% are open to sharing their personal information in exchange for special deals or other preferential treatment
  • 23.8% are interested in comparing prices while they shop using their SmartPhone
  • 20.9% would use their SmartPhone more if it increased shopping efficiency
  • 14.1% of Canadians would use their SmartPhone to pay for purchases

While Canadians are still hesitant to take advantage of SmartPhone shopping, they love the options offered by omnichannel retail.

The report states, “Omnichannel allows consumers to seamlessly shop however they want – online, via mobile, or in-store. In particular, consumers are demanding ‘click and collect’, in-store returns of online purchases, real time inventory updates, and the ability to source out-of-stock items. Canadian retailers must address these demands if they are to fully meet the expectations of today’s consumer.”

Top 7 Ways Canadian Holiday Shoppers use the Internet

  1. Check prices
  2. Find deals & coupons
  3. Research (recommendations, product reviews, etc.)
  4. Gift inspiration
  5. Find out what gifts their friends and families want
  6. Share their own wish list
  7. Coordinate shopping with their family and/or friends

Online marketers should note the social media and blogger outreach opportunities here.  Make it easy for Canadian consumers to find you online with creative use of your own blog, and utilize other blogs with guest posting, product reviews, advertising, etc.  Extend the content to social media and get people talking about it.

Deloitte has designed the following infographic to provide a general overview of the survey results:

2013 Holiday Outlook Statistics for Online Retail Infographic

Comment on Canadians Internet BusinessHow has the 2013 Canadian holiday shopping season treated you so far?  Are you seeing an uptick in online sales?  Please share your comments below.

Source:  2013 Holiday Retail Outlook

You may also be interested in reading:
More Canadians will do 2013 Holiday Shopping Online (Statistics)
Canadian Online Shopping and Digital Demands (2013 Statistics)
Reaching Canadian Consumers Through Niche Bloggers
Top Reasons Canadians Share Content on Social Media (2013 Statistics)


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Melody McKinnon
Digital Business & Marketing Manager at  | Website |  + posts

Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.

Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on,,, and, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.

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Sal Livingston

Our numbers are up online so far. 🙂 🙂 🙂


I’m so pumped about the changes we’re making for 2013 holidays! Statistics helps guide us in those decisions.


It’s one thing to know the web sales are increasing but another to know how to take advantage of it. It’s a learning curve but with the right team sales will skyrocket. Sales have been steadily increasing for us since sept. Our newest strategy is working with bloggers which I know you’re a fan of too. We’ve done great working with bloggers. Merry Christmas all!