A Staggering 90% of Canadian Online Moms Love YouTube

Statistics indicate YouTube is a favourite social network of online moms in Canada. A staggering nine out of ten Canadian moms visit YouTube at least once every month. Smart brands are following them there to engage them and ultimately win sales from these powerful shoppers. We’ve brought together recent Canadian statistics from Google and other sources, to help you form a video marketing strategy targeting moms in this country.

What are Canadian Moms Watching on YouTube?

An important detail that many marketers fail to address, is that mothers are interested in much more than children and their home. Their favourite online video categories reflect that in a big way.

According to the Google survey, the favourite video categories of moms in Canada are:

  1. Comedy 50%
  2. Food and Recipes 45%
  3. Music 43%
  4. News 40%
  5. Movie Trailers 33%
  6. Children’s Programming 33%
  7. How-to Advice 32%
  8. Entertainment and Pop Culture (Excluding Music) 31%
  9. Beauty and Fashion 25%
  10. Science and Nature 25%

A 2015 survey by the Yummy Mummy Club also revealed a keen interest in video content. 16% of participating moms said they visit YouTube daily, and 40% are there weekly.  A 2014 survey conducted by Mom Central Consulting showed that 56% of Canadian moms visited YouTube at least once per week.

Canadian Moms on YouTube are Interested in You

It’s not only how often they visit YouTube and their interests that is catching the eye of marketers, it’s their demonstrated, specific interest in products and services.

Of the 4000 Canadian online moms surveyed by Google:

  • 73% do something beyond just viewing the video, including seeking more information about a product, service, brand or individual in it.
  • 45% visit YouTube to learn something about a particular topic (such as “how to” videos)
  • 34% want to learn about a new product or service
  • 33% want to know more about a particular product or service
  • 32% share videos they watch on YouTube.
  • 26% are researching a new purchase

Comparing Mom YouTube Usage to Canadians in General

According to InsightsWest’s 2016 social media statistics, Canadians in general are big fans of YouTube. It’s the second most popular social network (following Facebook), with 49% of Canadians visiting the site at least twice per week.

A 2016 report by Media Technology Monitor indicated 70% of Canadians watch YouTube videos monthly. English-speaking Canadians watch digital video 10.2 hours per week on average.

In their 2016 Q1 eCommerce benchmark report, Dmac Media found that YouTube was the number one social media network for order value in Canada. The average sale coming from YouTube was $361, followed by Sina Weibo at $209.

A 2013 survey conducted by CEFRIO found that YouTube is the leading social network in Quebec. 77.5% of English-speaking people in the province watch videos on the network, as do 64.5% of the French-speaking residents.

In 2015, the number of videos shared by each person on Facebook increased 75% globally.

Reaching Canadian Moms with Videos

Whether you’re promoting a brand, product, or service, videos are the way to a Canadian mom’s heart and wallet.

Obviously, the first step in gaining a mom following on YouTube is to make high quality videos that engage them. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on equipment and editing. There are a lot of choices for video editing software available, such as the popular AVS Video Editor.  You can also put together videos without ever having to show your face in one, by using tools to make videos from slideshow or animations (see Video Wave below).

Once you have your fabulous new video, you’ll need to make sure it’s found. You’ll do that by optimizing it for YouTube internal search, social media visibility, and Google search results. This step is critical for video campaign success, yet it’s the most commonly ignored. What many marketers don’t know, is it’s easier to get a video ranked on page one of Google than it is to get a web page there. That’s especially true of highly competitive keywords, such as popular product names. Videos can give you a competitive advantage, or at least level the playing field. They work for brands, retailers, and affiliate marketers if it’s done right.

If you’d rather leave the video production to someone else, you’ll find experts to suit any budget on Freelancer.

For inspiration, check out Tubular Insights’ ranking of the most watched YouTube channels.

Marketers Worldwide Are Embracing Digital Video

For all of the challenges involved with video marketing, savvy marketers are seeing such astounding results that its strategic use continues to grow. Customer testimonials are the most effective type of video content, according to a 2015 Ascend2 study.

Most Effective Types of Video Marketing

The most effective and efficient way to get mom testimonials, product demonstrations, and virtually every other type of video marketing on the list, is through blogger outreach. Moms love bloggers and they listen closely to their favourite ones.

The impact is doubled when you have a blogger publish a video starring themselves, if you request permission to use their video elsewhere as part of the agreement. For example, you could send your product to a blogger for a video review. Sweeten the deal by offering a nice package for a giveaway (which will get more eyes on the post as a bonus). Expect to pay an administration fee as reviews are labour intensive. We have a list of top Canadian blogs to help you get started.

Keep in mind that it isn’t the size of the blog or number of visitors that counts most, but how well their readers match your target market. A blogger with a suitable audience of 500 visitors per day will often result in more sales conversions than blogs several times their size, and at a lower cost.

Comment on Canadians Internet BusinessAre you using video as part of your digital mom marketing strategy? Please share your experience or questions in the comments below.

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Melody McKinnon
Digital Business & Marketing Manager at  | Website |  + posts

Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.

Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on CanadianDigitalMedia.com, CanadiansInternet.com, CanadianFamily.net, and AllNaturalPetCare.com, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.

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It makes sense because it’s a convenient place to find everything and anything. I can entertain my kids or find out how to carve a pumpkin then how to roast the seeds. I’m there every single day! I do find products and brands there too. YouTube is absolutely the best place to reach me online.

Velma Neilsen

moms are totally the rulers of social media. every bit of canadian data I find about social media has youtube ranked high too.