Canadians Can Create Their Own Part-Time Job Online

Heading into a recession with a high unemployment rate has many Canadians concerned about job security, especially those in need of part-time or seasonal work.

It comes at a time when:

  • More of our youth are opting to continue their education and need part-time work until they’re done school.
  • Parents and other caregivers often need to supplement their income while staying at home to care for loved ones.
  • Those residing in Canada’s many remote locations who already had limited job options, are finding themselves with none at all.
  • Canadian families are struggling with debt, pay-cuts, layoffs and the lack of jobs available in their chosen field, forcing more people to seek part-time jobs.

It’s tough out there and we need to find more creative ways to be self-sufficient.

Create Your Own Part-Time Job Online

An employment option that is often overlooked, is using the internet to create your own part-time job.  It isn’t only an income opportunity, it’s also a chance to broaden and improve your skill set with coveted experience.  You can develop tech and business management skills that are in high demand, and demonstrate your proficiency in them.  A properly-marketed web presence can establish you as an expert in your field.   In that respect, even if your attempt at self-employment is a total flop you won’t have wasted your time.

Other benefits of online self-employment:

  • Be your own boss and work towards your own dreams
  • Work at home (or anywhere else) with nothing more than a decent laptop
  • Flexible schedule
  • You’ll save a lot of money on transportation and wardrobe expenses
  • Tax deductions
  • Learn new skills
  • It’s environmentally friendly
  • You’ll help support the Canadian economy as it recovers
  • Take back control of your life!

Low Startup Cost

Deciding to start a business is one thing, but financing it is quite another. Thankfully, many Canadian online business opportunities require very little financial investment. If you do need financing, you may qualify for a government grant or be eligible for other small business incentives.

Just a few web-based part-time opportunities:

Following are a few popular online business models that are especially suitable for part-time solopreneurs. Just click on the links for more information.

What You’ll Need

A website is a must for most online businesses. Luckily, building a website is so much easier than it used to be.  Most hosts offer “point & click” website builders that can have you online in an afternoon.

You could also opt to sell through a marketplace, like Etsy, or, which comes with your own business page. Even then, it’s best to have your own website so your business isn’t at the mercy of a particular platform.

The same easy entry applies to blogging, if not more so.  Blogging platforms like have a learning curve that can easily be managed by most people. In fact, many build their entire business on a blogging platform, even if it’s an online store. WordPress is free and easy to install on your website. Some website hosts offer supportive hosting packages specifically for WordPress users

Whether you go with a blog or other type of website, you’ll have the opportunity to sell your own products & services or affiliate products & services, with very little overhead.

Getting Started

The first step is to start a text file for ideas.  Outline your basic goals, and identify what you’re good at and what you enjoy. When you’re ready, check out our Checklist: How to Start a Profitable Online Business in Canada. It will walk you through starting an online business and self-employment in Canada.

You can maintain your online, part-time job when you get a full-time job, or be so successful that it becomes your full-time job.  It’s reassuring to have something “on the side” as back-up in an unstable economy.

Have you ever worked from home, part-time or full-time?  Please share your experience in the comments below or join us in the Online Business Canada Facebook group.


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Melody McKinnon
Digital Business & Marketing Manager at  | Website |  + posts

Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.

Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on,,, and, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.

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part time jobs

You really pointed out a lot of good stuff there. I think if you can work hard enough, you can earn enough to do an online job full time and retire early.

Vincent --- Moncton

I love your proactive approach to success and the feeling of self empowerment it brings. Canadians need to take matters into their own hands to control their destiny.


I arrive in Canada this year and struggle to learn so I can find a job in this great country. Thank you for advice.


The problem is it takes time to get going but I agree that it’s a good longterm plan to have in your back pocket for rainy days.

Ryan Y

Thank for this inspiring article. I’m a student who just lost my part time job in retail and your article gives me hope for better days ahead.


The Canadian government needs to wise up and help people become self-employed!!