For many years we’ve been hard-pressed to find 10 decent books about online business to share, let alone a list of the best picks. This year we had a bit of a tough time narrowing down our online business book choices! There still isn’t enough truly good information out there to help Canadian businesses as […]
Telecommuting, virtual commuting, mobile commuting, teleworking, remote working…whatever you call it, the virtual workplace employment structure has exploded in popularity. The advances in communications technology and virtual collaboration have made it both feasible and economical to escape the traditional office. Working remotely myself for many years, and working with companies that hire remote workers, has […]
This is an unsolicited review. A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to win a copy of Marketing to Millennials: Reach the Largest and Most Influential Generation of Consumers Ever, by Jeff Fromm and Christie Garton, from Marketing Sherpa. I was so impressed with the wealth of information, data, insights and strategic tools offered […]
In January, we brought you The Most anticipated Internet Business Book Releases of 2013 for the first half of the year. The post includes instructions for searching Amazon for upcoming releases to pre-order, allowing us to get our hands on the latest information before it becomes obsolete. Knowing what’s coming also allows us to select […]
I tweet about good customer service much more often than bad, because most companies have the good business sense to make things right when given the chance. Then CIBC raised my line of credit interest rate from 7-11% for no apparent reason and refused to do anything about it. I tried calling and also made […]
Most successful Internet entrepreneurs (netpreneurs or netrepreneurs) in Canada and around the world, share the same New Year’s resolution every year: Increase our online business and marketing knowledge for a healthier bottom line. Netrepreneurs must be in a perpetual state of evolution to keep up with the ever-changing Internet and the people who purchase through […]
I was very curious when I found out about the launch of Canadian John Chow’s latest offering, Blogging with John Chow, so I bought it on the spot for $37.00. This is the resulting review and commentary.
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