Online Marketplaces

The State of eCommerce in Canada, by the Numbers

The State of eCommerce in Canada, by the Numbers

Canadians are among the most active eCommerce consumers, with statistics indicating 76-80% of us shop online. Excluding travel, eMarketer estimates $38.74 billion will be spent online by Canadian consumers in 2017 and sales are expected to reach 43.95 billion in 2018. Of those sales, Internet Retailer estimates $17.97 billion will be spent at Canadian online […]

The Latest in Online Retail: 3D Product Printing from Amazon

The Latest in Online Retail: 3D Product Printing from Amazon

3D (three dimensional) printing has a Star Trek feel to it that grabbed consumers’ attention from day one. Visions of saying “Computer, tea, black” and having it appear in a “replicator” at home seemed magical back in those days. Today, 3D printing has brought us closer to it being reality than we ever thought possible.

Test eCommerce Waters with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Test eCommerce Waters with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

Fulfillment by is a relatively new option for Canadian sellers, having been launched at the end of 2012. You may have noticed “Fulfilled by Amazon” tagging some items within the massive sellers’ market, indicating the item will be sent from Amazon. The most important thing it tells shoppers is the item is included in […]