Seasonal & Holidays

6 Canadian Business Blessings To Be Thankful For

6 Canadian Business Blessings To Be Thankful For

The lifestyle of entrepreneurs can be full of highs and lows. While we try to be thankful every day, it’s human nature to focus more on the challenges than it is to ponder just how fortunate we are to do business in Canada.  Thanksgiving reminds us of many rights, freedoms and benefits that we too […]

Study: Autumn Marketing Maximizes Black Friday Sales / Traffic

Study: Autumn Marketing Maximizes Black Friday Sales / Traffic

Delivering Black Friday and Cyber Monday messages over time results in more sales and website traffic, according to a new UK study by Conversant. Results prove the ideal time to launch campaigns is in September. Given that UK consumer behaviour more closely reflects that of Canadian consumers than American consumer behaviour, we can assume that […]

2016 Holiday Season – Canadian Online Shopping Forecast Data

2016 Holiday Season – Canadian Online Shopping Forecast Data

Welcome to our annual compilation of Canadian holiday season online shopping forecast data and statistics. Sharing a combo of Canadian online shopping predictions in one place, allows our readers to quickly evaluate their marketing and sales strategies. As we update throughout the holiday season, you can make strategic adjustments to ensure a highly profitable fourth […]

Canadian Online Holiday Shopping Records Broken in 2015

Canadians were spending much more online during the 2015 holiday shopping season, reports MasterCard SpendingPulse. Both November and December 2015 broke online sales records, claiming the highest percentage of all retail sales. November brought the highest eCommerce sales ever in Canada, at 9.7%. December broke that record when online sales rose to 9.9% of all […]

Canadian Holiday Shopping Data: Who, What, Where, Why and How

Canadian Holiday Shopping Data: Who, What, Where, Why and How

Everyone is wondering if Canadians will be doing more of their holiday shopping online this year, along with what they’ll be buying, where they’ll be buying it, and how they’ll be doing so in 2015. Statistically, it depends on who you ask. To provide a broader picture of this year’s predictions for those who sell […]

5 Ways to Promote the Holidays Without Disrespecting Remembrance Day ©

5 Ways to Promote the Holidays Without Disrespecting Remembrance Day ©

Online marketing for the Holiday season has to start early due to shipping time. However, many Canadian consumers don’t understand that and may find it disrespectful when they see Holiday promotions before Remembrance Day. The last thing we want to do is upset shoppers, but what is an online business to do?

Halloween a Real Treat for Canadian eCommerce in 2015

Halloween a Real Treat for Canadian eCommerce in 2015

Online shopping for Halloween is expected to grow in Canada for 2015, if last year’s statistical trends are anything to go by. We spent more than 380 million dollars on candy alone, according to Statistics Canada. You still have time to lure people to your website as consumers become nervous about US shipments arriving too […]