French Social Networking in Quebec (Statistics & Tips)

French-speaking Canadians living in Quebec are overall less likely than other Canadians to participate in social media, according to a survey conducted by CEFRIO.  It is probable that a lack of French content on social networks is to blame.  This information can benefit Canadian businesses that include Quebec in their geographical target market.

Social network participation in QuebecFrench Social Networking in Quebec

Quebecers on YouTube
English 77.5%
French 64.5%

Quebecers on Facebook
English 67.0%
French 65.7%

Quebecers on Google+
English 37.8%
French 34.3%

Quebecers on LinkedIn
English 24.3%
French 12.8%

Quebecers on Twitter
English 10.0%
French 12.1%

Quebecers on Pinterest
English 9.4%
French 12.0%

Using Social Media to Engage French-Speaking Quebec

  • Focus on the networks most popular with French-speaking Quebecers
  • Provide French translations of posts on social networks
  • Consider creating a French version of your website
  • Offer bilingual online customer service
  • Once your French-friendly practices are in place, advertise on Quebec websites/blogs or use French banners on any Canadian site that has a French version.

You can hire a translator or go with a reputable translation software.

French-speaking Quebecers are accustomed to living in a society that caters to their language requirements.  It isn’t reasonable to expect the same level of consideration from the rest of Canada when English is the official language.  However, it is a perfectly reasonable expectation if you want them to purchase your products and services.

Need some guidance? Here are a few expert resources to help you learn more about using social media for business success:

  • Free LinkedIn training is available at LinkedU: How to Create a Massive LinkedIn Referral Network with THE Most Influential Players in Your Market.
  • The book Likeable Social Media: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Amazing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and More, was revised and expanded in 2015 and is perfect for social media novices.

Comment on Canadians Internet BusinessHave you enjoyed business success with francophone Quebec?  Please share your experience in the comments below.


You may also be interested in reading:
Social Media Strategy: The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
Canadian Social Media Statistics
The Elusive ROI of Social Media [Infographic]


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Melody McKinnon
Digital Business & Marketing Manager at  | Website |  + posts

Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.

Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on,,, and, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.

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Paul PhD

That’s the first time I’ve seen statistics like this for PQ. It’s a unique market in a lot of ways and we need something to base our plan on.

Andre R.

I bet you’ll find most of the buying is done within Quebec too because there’s more sites that have both languages. Of course it’s a good idea but it can be a big undertaking.


I guess I always thought most of them knew english too but you’ve given me a lot to think about.


I’m certain the lack of french communication is to blame, or maybe they just have a life outside of the internet unlike most other people. On the other hand I’m surprised they don’t know enough english to use other sites.


Very handy to know, merci!


I’d love to hear more about marketing to francophones!