Today, Stacy Bodnar offers guidance to Canadian Moms who want to work from home.
The Truth about Earning Money from Home
Earning money from home is not for the faint of heart. It’s not for people who have trouble getting and staying motivated, and it’s not for those who cannot handle being their own boss. However, it is for people who want the convenience of working from a home office and the ability to put their home life first, while still being able to successfully support the members of their family.
So, how do I get started?
In order to earn money from home without losing track of the things that matter most, you need several things, including these:
1) The opportunity to do so.
Before you can stop trying to balance a day job and your life as a mother, you first need to find a work at home opportunity that fits your lifestyle, attitude and financial situation. They can be hard to find, and even harder to stick with. It can be hard to find the right work from home job that allows you to set your own hours and still earn enough money to make a living, and not everyone can create their own business from scratch. This is why it makes sense to find a work at home company that you can join. It is quicker and easier than going in alone.
2) Support from people in similar situations.
Working from home can be lonely, especially if you do not have anyone around you to commiserate with. Having a hard time locating clients? Wondering if you are properly balancing your home work load with your personal life? There is a reason why a day-job may seem so much easier – you have colleagues to converse with. This is why you need to find a work from home situation that provides support from people just like you.
3) A little bit of time.
Working from home is all about balance. You need to be able to meet your needs, as well as those of your family. Laundry needs to be done, meals need to be cooked, lunches need to be packed… this is just the tip of the daunting to-do list that a stay at home mom has to deal with. Somewhere in there, paying work has to be completed. Finding a good work from home job that allows you to set your own hours and get the job done in bits and pieces when you get the chance is ideal.
If you have any questions about what we do, and how we can help, you can visit us online:
Author Bio: Stacy Bodnar owns Moms Earning More.
Do you have any tips for Moms who want to work at home or questions about working at home? Please add your comment below.
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Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.
Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on,,, and, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.
Has anyone had experience with dealing with the MomsEarningMore people? I would like to know what your experience has been with them good or bad. I read their info on another site and clicked on the link and read their info but since it is so general and really does not say much about what moms will actually be doing, I hesitate in contacting them.
Please let us know what your experience has been.
Many thanks!!!
It’s a health & wellness company looking for rep’s/partners, from what I can gather on their blog.
Looks like a good site for workathomers.
Thanks for the post!
Pretty general in content but the points are valid.
The author could learn from reading this website in my opinion. This post is more about promotion than provIding information like I usually find here. That said…the biggest tip I have for other moms who work at home is to avoid scams and diversify income sources so you’re not left high & dry if one opportunity goes away.