July Marketable Holidays & Observances (Canadian & Global)

A Canadian holidays and observances calendar is a useful tool for marketing or for inspiring blog post, newsletter content and social media ideas. Traditional holidays have been joined by many observances in Canada and internationally, all of which now enjoy more exposure via the Internet. Combined with famous Canadian birthdays and historical events, there is no shortage of inspiration. As a bonus, you may come up in searches for the holiday or observance in question.

Canadians Internet Business publishes a calendar of holidays and observances for Canadians each month. This calendar includes Canadian and international holidays and observances, from the official, to the charitable, and on to the strange and unusual. Many of the observances have spilled into Canada from other countries to become virtually universal in their celebration.

Numerous holidays and observances are marketable to virtually all Canadians, while others will be more useful to certain sectors and topical websites. We’ve included food day observances for those in the grocery, baking and farming industries, for example.  A few of the more universal business-related observances in July include Independent Retailer Month, Independent Retailers Week from the 20th to the 26th, International Plastic Bag Free Day on the 3rd, Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day on the 6th, Get to Know Your Customers Day on the 17th, and System Administrator Appreciation Day on the 25th.

July Marketable Holidays & Observances - Canadian & Global

July is…

Adopt a Shelter Rabbit Month
Air-Conditioning Appreciation Days July 3rd to August 15th
Bereaved Parents Awareness Month
Bioterrorism and Disaster Education and Awareness Month
Blueberry Month
Cell Phone Courtesy Month
Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month
Cord Blood Awareness Month
Dog Days July 3rd – August 11th
Doghouse Repairs Month
Eye Injury Prevention Month
Family Reunion Month
Freedom From Fear of Speaking Month
Grilling Month
Hemochromatosis Screening Awareness Month
Herbal/Prescription Interaction Awareness Month
Horseradish Month
Hot Dog Month
Ice Cream Month
Independent Retailer Month
International Blondie and Deborah Harry Month
International Group B Strep Awareness Month
International Women with Alopecia Month
International Zine Month
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
Make A Difference to Children Month
Nectarine Month
Garlic Month
Recreation & Parks Month
Sandwich Generation Month
Smart Irrigation Month
Social Wellness Month
Tour de France Month
Women’s Motorcycle Month
Women With Alopecia Month
Worldwide Bereaved Parents Month

July, 2014 “Weeks”

Canada History Week 1st-7th
Freedom Week 4th-10th
National Farriers Week 6th-12th
Creative Maladjustment Week 7th-14th
Nude Recreation Weekend 7th-13th
World Future 2014 11th-13th
Sports Cliché Week 13th-19th
(Melvin) Rabbit Week 15th-21st
Baby Food Week 16th-19th
Ventriloquism Week 16th-19th
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Education & Awareness Week 18th-25th
National Drowning Prevention Week 20th-26th
Animal Rights Awareness Week 20th-26th
Coral Reef Awareness Week 20th-26th
Parenting Gifted Children Week 20th-26th
Independent Retailers Week 20th-26th
Zoo Keeper Week 20th-26th
Cow Appreciation Week 20th-26th
Comic Con International 24th-27th
Garlic Days 25th-27th
AFRMA Fancy Rat & Mouse Week 30th-August 3rd

July, 2014 “Days”

Canada Day
Memorial Day (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Second Half of The Year Day
Pamela Anderson’s Birthday

I Forgot Day
International Chicken Wing Day
World UFO Day

Compliment Your Mirror Day
Earth at Aphelion
International Plastic Bag Free Day
Stay Out Of The Sun Day
Rosewell UFO Days
Superman Day

Independence From Meat Day
Indivisible Day

Bikini Day
Hop A Park Day
International Day of Cooperatives
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day
World Environment Day

Fried Chicken Day
World Kiss Day
Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day

Chocolate Day
Father-Daughter Take A Walk Together Day
Global Forgiveness Day
Tell The Truth Day

Math 2.0 Day: 8 (Founding Day)
Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama (SCUD) Day

Nunavut Day (Nunavut)
Sugar Cookie Day

Don’t Step On A Bee Day
Hot Dog Night
Piña Colada Day
Teddy Bears’ Picnic (or Teddy Bear) Day

Cheer Up The Lonely Day
7-11’s Birthday
World Population Day

Bald Is In
Collector Car Appreciation Day
Simplicity Day
Different Coloured Eyes Day

Embrace Your Geekness Day
Gruntled Workers Day
French Fries Day

Orangemen’s Day (Newfoundland and Labrador)
International Nude Day
Pandemonium Day
International Town Criers Day
Shark Awareness Day
Grace Hartman’s Birthday – The first woman in upper level management of a Canadian union.

Be A Dork Day
Gummi Worm Day
Love Horses Day
Pet Fire Safety Day
Cow Appreciation Day
Shark Awareness Day

Corn Fritters Day
World Snake Day

Get to Know Your Customers Day (Third of four throughout the year)

International Nelson Mandela Day
Caviar Day

Parks Day – Canadian Parks Council
Celebration of The Horse Weekend
Hot Dog Day
Raspberry Cake Day
Daiquiri Day

Lake Superior Day
Moon Day
Space Exploration Day
Lollipop Day
Ice Cream Day
World Jump Day

Global Hug Your Kid Day
Legal Drinking Age Day
Junk Food Day
Get Out of the Doghouse Day
No Pet Store Puppies Day
Craft for your Local Shelters Day

Casual Pi Day 22/7
Penuche Fudge Day
Rat Catchers’ Day

Gorgeous Grandma Day

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Pioneer Day
Cousins’ Day
Drive-Thru Day
Tequila Day
Tell An Old Joke Day
Anna Paquin’s Birthday – Academy Award winning actress and musician born in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Carousel Day Day
Lumberjack Day
Talk in An Elevator Day
System Administrator Appreciation Day
Video Games Day
Thread the Needle Day

All or Nothing Day
Aunt and Uncle Day
One Voice Day
Dance Day
Day of the Cowboy

Aunties Day
Parents’ Day
Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day
Walk on Stilts Day

World Hepatitis Day
Milk Chocolate Day

Lasagna Day
National Chicken Wing Day
Rain Day

Cheesecake Day
Father-In-Law Day
Friendship Day
International Day of Friendship
Paperback Book Day

Chili Dog Day
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
World Ranger Day
National Mutt Day

Please let us know if we’ve missed any observances or holidays celebrated in Canada, from the weird to the wonderful.

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DISCLOSURE: We may receive compensation for links to products on this website.

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Melody McKinnon
Digital Business & Marketing Manager at  | Website |  + posts

Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.

Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on CanadianDigitalMedia.com, CanadiansInternet.com, CanadianFamily.net, and AllNaturalPetCare.com, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.

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Some of these days change from one year to the next just so everyone knows. Great list though!

read on

Just liked this post on FB. Thanks for the truly amazing read.


Best course yet, keep them coming. I can’t afford to lay out hundreds for courses but if I keep finding gems like this one I’ll soon be abl to.

Jean Corbin

Useful & entertaining both!


A wealth of ideas, thanks.