A survey of 1674 Canadian Moms (including 5% dads and 8% “other”) has revealed some interesting insights into what they want from brands online, and how they want it. While respondents weighed in from across the country, the overwhelming majority (60%) were from Ontario. This group loves social media and social sharing, but most feel that brands aren’t engaging them as much as they could be. Consequently, brands are missing out on valuable sharing opportunities and social sales.
44% of Canadian Moms say the best time to engage them online is at night after the kids are in bed. 30% are online in the morning, but they’re very distracted. 16% are online around lunch or in the afternoon, while just 11% are on the Internet at dinner time or after dinner while their kids are still up.
Where You’ll Find Canadian Moms Online
Facebook 77% daily, 12% weekly.
Twitter 29% daily, 14% weekly.
Instagram 23% daily, 13% weekly.
Pinterest 18% daily, 29% weekly.
Blogs 17% daily, 27% weekly.
YouTube 16% daily, 40% weekly.
What Makes Canadian Moms Share on Social Media?
Nine out of ten Canadian Moms share content on social media and four out of ten share at least weekly. 13% share daily and 25% share occasionally.
Knowing how often Moms share on social media and where they do so is handy information to have. However, knowing WHY they share can be the backbone of a powerful campaign.
74% want to educate others
58% want to make someone smile
45% want to share an interesting point of view
37% want to share a smart point of view
36% want to entertain others
28% want to share a positive message
27% want to help people feel better about themselves
23% want to help people save money
Topics Canadian Moms Want to Share (or Otherwise Engage with) on Social Media
These statistics indicate just 19% want to hear about your brand or product directly. You have to be more creative and subtle than that.
61% want to share humorous stories
58% like parenting tips
52% appreciate coupons, deals and contests
48% like current events
47% like simple and clever health tips
42% like feel-good stories
Giving Canadian Moms What They Want
- When 81% of Moms say they have NEVER engaged with a brand in a meaningful way, you’re doing something wrong. If you want to target this lucrative market, you’re going to have to get to know them and cater to their needs. The most effective way to find out what they need won’t cost you a dime and it will only take a minute: Ask them! Social media is all about discussion and there’s nothing more engaging than hearing from a brand that genuinely cares about what you need from them.
- They also want to know you care, not just about them but about everything. Promote your sponsorship of charitable causes and share charity content in a way that makes Moms want to reshare it.
- Don’t forget that Moms are interested in much more than home and parenting topics. They’re individuals with a wide range of interests, but with very little time to indulge them.
- Take a shortcut by reaching out to Moms where they’re already engaged. Popular websites and blogs put you right in front of web-savvy Moms instantly. You can reach out to Canadian PR3+ bloggers using our free listing.
- Start your own affiliate program and gain instant access to thousands of Mom-friendly websites, and only pay them when they bring you a sale.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all Moms a very happy Mother’s Day, especially my Mom in New Brunswick!
Have you had a particularly successful marketing campaign that targeted Moms? Please share your tips or questions in the comments below.
Source of Statistics: YummyMummyClub.ca
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A Staggering 90% of Canadian Online Moms Love YouTube
Canadian Moms’ Top 7 Social Media Networks
2018 Report: Canadian Social Media Use Statistics
How to Increase Your Canadian Reach on Twitter
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Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.
Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on CanadianDigitalMedia.com, CanadiansInternet.com, CanadianFamily.net, and AllNaturalPetCare.com, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.
Canadian mothers are more dependent on the internet than in countries with a more dense population. A lot of us are in small towns or in the country. It stand to reason that what we need is different than other countries.
Wow, nice info. Thanks for sharing.
Such an important group to pay attention to! Moms still do most of the shopping, parenting, household management, etc. Thanks for the tips.
There it is! That’s why I come back to this site. You always dig up the best Canadian stats & bend every article towards Canadian business so it’s actually useful to entreprneurs. Moms are one of the most important segments online and I target their kids for my clients so I truly appreciate this info.
Wow this is great! Never heard of the yummy mummy club but it sure cracked me up when I read the name lol I’ll have to pay them a visit.