A Canadian holidays and observances calendar is a useful tool for marketing or for inspiring blog post, newsletter content and social media ideas. Traditional holidays have been joined by many observances in Canada and Internationally, all of which now enjoy more exposure via the Internet. Combined with famous Canadian birthdays and historical events, there is no shortage of inspiration. As a bonus, you may come up in searches for the holiday or observance in question.
Canadians Internet Business publishes a calendar of holidays and observances for Canadians each month. This calendar includes Canadian and International holidays and observances, from the official, to the charitable, and on to the strange and unusual. Many of the observances have spilled into Canada from other countries to become virtually universal in their celebration.
Numerous holidays and observances are marketable to virtually all Canadians, while others will be more useful to certain sectors and topical websites. We’ve included food day observances for those in the grocery, baking and farming industries, for example.
Please note: This is a copyrighted compilation. Please do not use it elsewhere without expressed permission. Thank you for respecting our work.
May is…
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Awareness Month – Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Arthritis Awareness Month
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Barbeque Month
Be Kind to Animals Month
Better Hearing & Speech Month
Bike Month
Borderline Personality Disorder Month
Brain Tumor Awareness Month
Building Safety Month
Car Care Month
Celiac Awareness Month
Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month (Alberta) – Alberta Cerebral Palsy Association.
Chemical Injury Awareness Month
Chip Your Pet Month
Clean Air Month
Community Living Month (Ontario) – Ontario Association for Community Living.
Creative Beginnings Month
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
Drum Month
EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) Awareness Month
Egg Month
Family Wellness Month
Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month
Food Allergy Awareness Month
Foot Health Awareness Month
Garden for Wildlife Month
Gifts From The Garden Month
Global Civility Awareness Month
Global Health and Fitness Month
Guide Dog Month
Haitian Heritage Month
Hamburger Month
Heal the Children Month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
High Blood Pressure Education Month
Home Schooling Awareness Month
Huntington Disease Awareness Month – Huntington Society of Canada.
International Business Image Improvement Month
International Civility Awareness Month
International Doula Month
International Mediterranean Diet Month
International Respect for Chickens Month
Inventors Month
Jewish-American Heritage Month
Latino Books Month
Lupus Awareness Month
National MedicAlert Month – Canadian MedicAlert Foundation.
Mediterranean Diet Month
Mental Health Month
Motorcycle Safety Month
Moving Month
National Asthma Awareness Month – Asthma Society of Canada.
National Hemochromatosis Awareness Month – Canadian Hemochromatosis Society.
National Leave a Legacy™ Month
National MS Awareness Month – Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.
National Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month – NF Canada.
National Physiotherapy Month – Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
National Vision Health Month – CNIB
National Deals and Coupon Month – Canadian Deals and Coupon Association.
Osteoporosis Prevention Month
Pet Cancer Awareness Month
Pet Month
Photo Month
Physical Fitness & Sports Month
Physiotherapy Month
Preeclampsia Awareness Month
Revise Your Work Schedule Month
Salad Month
Salsa Month
Service Dog Eye Examination Month
Sexual Abuse/Assault Prevention Month (Ontario) – Ontario Women’s Directorate.
Skin Cancer Awareness & Prevention Month
Smile Month
Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
Spiritual Literacy Month
Stroke Awareness Month
Tennis Month
Tay-Sachs and Canavan Diseases Month
Toddler Immunization Month
Tourettes Syndrome Awareness Month
Tuberous Sclerosis Month
Ultra-violet Awareness Month
Vinegar Month
Water Safety Month
Women’s Health Care Month
World Lyme Disease Awareness Month
Youth Traffic Safety Month
May 2014 “Weeks”
Education Week (Ontario) April 28th-May 2nd
BC Youth Week (British Columbia) 1st-7th
Choose Privacy Week 1st-7th
National Hunger Awareness Week 1st-7th – Food Banks of Canada.
National Emergency Preparedness Week 1st-7th – Emergency Preparedness Canada.
National Hospice Palliative Care Week 1st-7th – Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association.
National Composting Awareness Week 1st-7th – Composting Council of Canada.
Be Kind To Animals Week 4th-10th
Children’s Mental Health Week 4th-10th
Drinking Water Week (British Columbia) 4th-10th – BC Water & Waste Association.
Flexible Work Arrangement Week 4th-10th
Alcohol & Drug Related Birth Defects Awareness Week 4th-10th
Family Week 4th-10th
North American Occupational Health and Safety Week 4th-10th
Pet Week 5th-11th
Raisin Week 4th-10th
Occupational Safety & Health Week 4th-10th
Public Service Recognition Week 4th-10th
National Mental Health Week 5th-11th – Canadian Mental Health Association
Puppy Mill Action Week 5th-11th
Spring Astronomy Week 5th-11th
Teacher Appreciation Week 5th-9th
Wildflower Week 5th-11th
Spring Astronomy Week 5th-11th
National Nurses Week: 6th-12th
Universal Family Week 10th-16th
Family Caregiver Week (British Columbia) 11th-17th – Canadian Centre for Elder Law.
National Police Week 11th-17th – RCMP.
National Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week 11th-17th – Head and Neck Cancer Alliance.
Food Allergy Awareness Week 11th-17th
Hospital Week 11th-17th
Nursing Home Week 11th-17th
Transportation Week 11th-17th
Women’s Health Week 11th-17th
Reading is Fun Week 11th-17th
National Small Business Week 12th-16th
National Nursing Week 12th-18th – Canadian Nurses Association.
Children’s Book Week 12th-18th
Bike to Work Week 12th-16th
Dog Bite Prevention Week 12th-17th
Etiquette Week 12th-16th
Naturopathic Medicine Week 12th-18th – Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors.
Work At Home Moms Week 12th-18th
Neuropathy Awareness Week 13th-17th
Salvation Army Week 13th-19th
National Stuttering Awareness Week 13th-19th
National Road Safety Week 18th-24th – Canada Safety Council.
National Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Week 18th-24th – VON Canada.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week 18th-24th
World Trade Week 18th-24th
Medical Transcription Week 19th-25th
International Coaching Week 19th-25th
Aboriginal Awareness Days 20th-23rd
National Water Safety Week 25th-31st – Canadian Red Cross Society.
National Safe Boating Week 25th-31st – Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons
National Access Awareness Week (Ontario) 25th-31st – Government of Ontario.
May 2014 “Days”
Belonging: National Day to End Bullying – Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada.
Batman Day
Executive Coaching Day
Global Love Day
Law Day
Lei Day
Loyalty Day
May Day
Mother Goose Day
Purebred Dog Day
School Principals’ Day
Stepmother’s Day
Baby Day
International Space Day
No Pants Day
Tuba Day
Bladder Cancer Awareness Day
World Press Freedom Day
Free Comic Book Day – If you own a business related to comic books, this is the day you’re supposed to be giving them away.
Garden Meditation Day
Hug Your Cat Day
Join Hands Day – Bringing together seniors and youth.
Prevent Teen Pregnancy Day
Homebrew Day
Scrapbooking Day
Two Different Colored Shoes Day
Paranormal Day
Public Radio Day
Beer Pong Day
Walk So Kids Can Talk
International Baby Lost Mother’s Day
International Firefighters Day
International Respect for Chickens Day
Mayday for Mutts
Star Wars Day – May the Fourth Be With You
Motorcycle Mass (Blessing of The Bikes) Day
Infertility Survival Day
Petite and Proud Day – A day to celebrate the height challenged ;-).
World Give Day
World Laughter Day
Yom HaZiKaron
Save Lives: Clean Your Hands
Cartoonists Day
Childhood Depression Awareness Day
Childhood Stroke Awareness Day
International Day of the Midwife
Melanoma Monday
Ferret Day (UK & beyond, also celebrated on April 2nd)
Oyster Day
Melanoma Monday
No Diet Day
No Homework Day
Teacher Day
World Asthma Day
Bike To School Day
School Nurse Day
Occupational Safety & Health Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross Day
Free Trade Day
Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day
No Socks Day
National Day of Honour
Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Day
Child Care Provider Day
Fintastic Friday (Sharks)
Military Spouse Appreciation Day
Special-abled Pets Day
World Fair Trade Day
World Lupus Day
Birthmother’s Day
International Migratory Bird Day
Mother Ocean Day
Babysitters Day
Miniature Golf Day
Train Day
Spring Astronomy Day
Windmill Day
World Belly Dance Day
Mother’s Day
Veal Ban Action Day
Eat What You Want Day
Hostess Cupcake Day
Root Canal Appreciation Day
Canada Health Day – Canadian Healthcare Association.
International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
International Nurses Day
Limerick Day
Nutty Fudge Day
Women’s Check-up Day
Frog Jumping Day
Leprachaun Day
Donate A Day’s Wages To Charity Day
Receptionists Day
Third (Night) Shift Workers’ Day
Chicken Dance Day
International Day of Families
Tuberous Sclerosis Day
Peace Officer Memorial Day
Chocolate Chip Day
Nylon Stockings Day
Straw Hat Day
Biographer’s Day
Endangered Species Day
International Virtual Assistants Day
Bike to Work Day
Piercing Day
Pizza Party Day
Sea Monkey Day
World Hypertension Day
World Neurofibromatosis Day
World Information Society Day
World Telecommunications Day
Pack Rat Day
Learn To Swim Day
HIV Vaccination Awareness Day
International Museums Day
Neighbor Day
Golf Day
Visit Your Relatives Day
No Dirty Dishes Day – A day to find ways to avoid dirty dishes and the inevitable dish washing.
Victoria Day (Patriot’s Day in Quebec)
World Autoimmune Arthritis Day
Accounting Day
May Ray Day – Get outside and enjoy some rays!
World Trade Day
Pick Strawberries Day
Weights & Measures Day
Be a Millionaire Day – Focus on how you can become rich.
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue & Development
I Need A Patch For That Day – A day to celebrate all types of patches.
Turn Beauty Inside Out Day
Canadian Immigrants’ Day
International Day for Biological Diversity
Museum Day
World Goth Day
World Crohn’s and Colitis Day
Heat Awareness Safety
Don’t Fry Day – Avoid sunburn to avoid skin cancer.
National Polka Day
National Taffy Day
National Wig Out Day
World Turtle Day
Heat Awareness Day
Brother’s Day
International Jazz Day
Morse Code Day
National Missing Children’s Day – Missing Children Society of Canada
Cookie Monster’s Birthday
Tap Dance Day
Nerd (Geek) Pride Day
Prayer for Peace Memorial Day
World Lindy Hop Day
Blueberry Cheesecake Day
Cellophane Tape Day
Sunscreen Day
National Multiple Births Awareness Day – Multiple Births Canada.
Amnesty International Day
World MS Day – Multiple Sclerosis
Senior Health & Fitness Day
Hamburger Day
Ascension Day – Christians celebrate the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven.
Learn About Composting Day
International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers
Loomis Day – In 1872, Mahlom Loomis patented wireless telegraphing.
Mint Julep Day
Save Your Hearing Day
Hug Your Cat Day
World No-Tobacco Day
Macaroon Day
Please let us know if we’ve missed any observances or holidays celebrated in Canada, from the weird to the wonderful.
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Melody McKinnon is an internet entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in a wide range of online business models, backed by a formal business/marketing education and enhanced by training and mentorship. She has owned or managed both educational and ecommerce websites. Her book, 7 Recession Proof Online Businesses to Start From Home, is available from all major ebook retailers.
Melody has worked with many businesses in a multitude of capacities. She can often be found on CanadianDigitalMedia.com, CanadiansInternet.com, CanadianFamily.net, and AllNaturalPetCare.com, as well as other quality digital publications. Her content has earned reference links from highly-respected websites, magazines and university textbooks.
Marketable Holidays: Unlocking the potential of festive seasons to boost sales and engage customers.
SO many angles here, thanks so much!
I’m using the calendar for clients and I can’t thank you enough.
Thanks for this tremendous effort to help Canadian marketers.
OMG!! this is the best monthly segment EVER!! It helps me so much — thank you!!!
I use holidays for content & social media marketing and sales. People LOVE IT. It’s entertaining and you can do so much with some of them besides text. They make a great graphic to share for starters. Simply awesome idea, congrats.