16 Best Selling Product Bundle Ideas to Boost Online Sales

16 Best Selling Product Bundle Ideas to Boost Online Sales

Ecommerce experts agree that bundling products or services together is a highly effective online sales tactic, and I’ve found that to be true in my own ecommerce experience. I’ve also had bundles completely flop, which provided valuable lessons in the strategic use of bundling to optimize online sales.

2023 Shopping Days in the Fourth Quarter (Infographic)

2023 Shopping Days in the Fourth Quarter (Infographic)

The lucrative fourth quarter is eagerly anticipated by most Canadian small businesses as the most profitable time of year. They’re deep into planning marketing campaigns, setting up sales funnels, writing ad copy, testing their website, and creating outstanding holiday content.

Marketing to Canadians Who Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Marketing to Canadians Who Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Many Canadian marketers underestimate the amount of gold that comes from St. Patrick’s Day enthusiasts in Canada. A large number of us have Irish roots and a lot of the rest are happy to join the celebrations. If you’re promoting the right kind of business or products, you could see a nice bump in sales […]

How to Respectfully Start Holiday Marketing Before Remembrance Day

How to Respectfully Start Holiday Marketing Before Remembrance Day

Most of us are aware of how Canadian consumers feel about beginning Christmas holiday promotions too early.  We do have a good reason for early promotion online, however, since our season ends earlier due to shipping.  While we can be forgiven for that, we still have an obligation to respect our fallen heroes, and those […]

The Business of Black Friday / Cyber Monday in Canada

The Business of Black Friday / Cyber Monday in Canada

Canadians have fully embraced Black Friday, a previously-American promotional event following Thanksgiving in that country. The internet can take most of the credit for its universal acceptance. Before online shopping was a common occurrence, Canadians usually travelled across the border to grab Black Friday deals but you probably wouldn’t find anything in Canada.

Convincing Ecommerce Holiday Shoppers to Buy Early

Convincing Ecommerce Holiday Shoppers to Buy Early

Your Christmas ecommerce campaigns should be in full swing by October if you want to take full advantage of online shoppers.  For the business-to-business (B2B) market, you should start even earlier.  The online holiday season starts early because it ends early due to shipping time, and other factors can amplify the urgency (such as a […]

12 Kinds of Valentine’s Day Content That Online Shoppers Love

12 Kinds of Valentine’s Day Content That Online Shoppers Love

Canadians are world leaders in love and sentimentality, and the amount we spend on it is growing five times faster than our international counterparts. Naturally, we’ll be buying Valentine’s Day gifts for our sweethearts, family members (including pets), and also ourselves.

15 Ways to Make Men Merry as they Holiday Shop Online

15 Ways to Make Men Merry as they Holiday Shop Online

In most Canadian shopping circles, women rule. They’re a huge target market as the person in the household who does most of the shopping, both for themselves and their families. Internet shopping is a bit different though, especially when it comes to holiday shopping online. For example, an Ipsos holiday shopping survey found Canadian men […]