VANCOUVER, BC — November, 2022 — Social media moves fast, and to remain competitive in what will be a defining year to come, brands need a complete view of the emerging trends set to shape the social landscape in 2023. Bridging this gap, Hootsuite is excited to today announce the launch of its seventh annual […]
The internet offers a global market to businesses in Canada and around the world. You can choose to sell to your neighbours, fellow Canadians, North Americans or virtually anywhere else. Whether you currently serve a global market or not, it’s important to be aware of its potential and growth rate.
It’s time for our annual report on the use of social media by Canadians! We’re heading into 2022 with a record 31.8 million Canadians who use an average of 6 different social networks, spending one hour and fifty-three minutes there every day, on average.
For many years, Canadian businesses were slow to adopt online business and marketing. The past ten years have seen more growth in internet adoption, but digital technology as a whole has continued to lag behind other developed countries.
Canadian consumers who frequently purchase online indicate their favourite places to do so are online marketplaces, according to a recent survey by GetApp. Fifty-nine percent of Canadians surveyed said they shop online markeplaces often, and another 29 percent said they shop there sometimes.
PRESS RELEASE – 27% of Canadian adults, or roughly an estimated 8.2 million people, plan to shop this year’s Amazon Prime Day sales, up from 24% in 2021, according to ‘Finder’s Amazon Prime Day Shopping Report’.
TORONTO, June 14, 2022 /CNW/ – Intuit (Nasdaq: INTU), the global technology platform that makes TurboTax, QuickBooks, Mint, Credit Karma, and Mailchimp, today announces the release of findings from a new study by QuickBooks revealing that a quarter of Canada’s small businesses (24 per cent) were started in the last two years, despite facing many […]
Search engine and retail marketplace advertising are common ways for Canadian businesses to reach online audiences, currently accounting for 44.5 percent of digital advertising budgets. However, search advertising growth has slowed, as display advertising on social media and websites takes a bigger slice of the pie (54.2 percent).
As more and more Canadian businesses sell online, it becomes increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd and win the sale. Your efforts will be rewarded, however, especially if you focus on the tips outlined below. They’re intended as a starting point to direct your thought process and move you in the right direction, […]
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