Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day and the entire holiday season can be a challenge, especially when you aren’t sure what to expect. Fourth quarter online transactions are expected to skyrocket this year, but how will it impact your sales specifically?
It comes as no great surprise that the holiday season is critical to small business profitability every year, but just how vital is it for their survival? The following report summarizes the findings of one of the oldest email marketing platforms, Constant Contact. [DISCLOSURE: We may receive compensation for links to products on this website.] […]
It is more critical than ever that we get to know our ideal target market, including how their mindset may have changed due to economic conditions. The same customer that could spend a lot of money on holiday gifts four years ago, may be in a much different financial situation right now. Check out the […]
Most of us are aware of how Canadian consumers feel about beginning Christmas holiday promotions too early. We do have a good reason for early promotion online, however, since our season ends earlier due to shipping. While we can be forgiven for that, we still have an obligation to respect our fallen heroes, and those […]
Your Christmas ecommerce campaigns should be in full swing by October if you want to take full advantage of online shoppers. For the business-to-business (B2B) market, you should start even earlier. The online holiday season starts early because it ends early due to shipping time, and other factors can amplify the urgency (such as a […]
MISSISSAUGA, ON, Nov. 12, 2020 /CNW/ – Following an unprecedented year, the holiday shopping season is poised to follow suit, with 35 per cent of Canadians who report never having shopped online for holiday gifts indicating they intend to skip physical line-ups this year and shop online.
Google Canada’s 2014 Holiday Shopper survey found 4 hot holiday shopping trends and all of them revolve around eCommerce. Mobile shopping in Canada is expected to grow significantly, along with online shopping in general.
The 2014 FedEx Express Canada Online Shopping Intentions Survey (Angus Reid) indicates the West has been won by the Internet in Canada. British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan are expected to show double-digit growth in online numbers, and most of them intend to shop online this holiday season. Other Provinces aren’t too far behind, as Canada […]
The data is flowing in for the 2014 holiday season and we’re seeing more numbers for Canada than ever before. For this article, we’re focusing on which Canadians are buying what.
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