6 Ways the Pro’s Turn Traffic Into Subscribers, Leads & Sales

6 Ways the Pro’s Turn Traffic Into Subscribers, Leads & Sales

Capturing leads and converting them to revenue are two of the most critical, yet elusive goals of virtually every business. Small businesses, major corporations, retailers, bloggers and digital marketers everywhere, all understand how important it is to their success. Further complicating matters is the fact that this challenge is in a perpetual state of change.

Massive Canadian Study: Ecommerce Email and SMS Marketing

Massive Canadian Study: Ecommerce Email and SMS Marketing

Canadian ecommerce brands are more familiar with online marketing than most other types of Canadian businesses. They’ve been utilizing and testing email, SMS (short message service/texts), and push marketing (broad market advertising) for years, refining their sales strategy by integrating it with their digital marketing strategy. Their results can provide a benchmark for other types […]

Writing with Clarity Online: Cheat Sheet (Infographic)

Writing with Clarity Online: Cheat Sheet (Infographic)

Online writing may include blogging, marketing copy, website content or newsletter content, and they all share the need for clarity.  One of the first things we learn about writing online is that we have seconds to capture a reader and their attention span is short. Clear, concise writing wasn’t invented online, however, it has always […]

Overcome the Big 5 Challenges Facing Email Marketers

Overcome the Big 5 Challenges Facing Email Marketers

Email is still the most popular and potentially lucrative tool in cyberspace. It retains its lead in every age group over social media networks in Canada, which is significant considering Canada leads the World in social media usage. Smart marketers continue to focus on email as a marketing tool, but two recent reports agree that […]

Canadian Email Marketing Benchmark Data

Canadian Email Marketing Benchmark Data

Digital marketing has become one of the most important tools in Canadian business promotion. Email was one of the original online marketing tools and it has continued to play a powerful part in any digital strategy. eMail marketing has become more challenging in recent years, however, with marketers scrambling to keep up with everything from […]

2015 North American eMail Marketing Trends

2015 North American eMail Marketing Trends

eMail marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways to reach consumers online, in spite of the countless social marketing options available today. Inbox Marketer, a Canadian eMail marketing company, has published a new report summarizing the latest trends and benchmarks for North American eMail marketing based on their B2C and B2B clients. […]

November Marketable Holidays & Observances (Canadian & Global) ©

November Marketable Holidays & Observances (Canadian & Global) ©

A Canadian holidays and observances calendar is a useful tool for marketing or for inspiring blog post, newsletter content and social media ideas. Traditional holidays have been joined by many observances in Canada and internationally, all of which now enjoy more exposure via the Internet. Combined with famous Canadian birthdays and historical events, there is […]

June Marketable Holidays & Observances (Canadian & Global) ©

June Marketable Holidays & Observances (Canadian & Global) ©

A Canadian holidays and observances calendar is a useful tool for marketing or for inspiring blog post, newsletter content and social media ideas. Traditional holidays have been joined by many observances in Canada and internationally, all of which now enjoy more exposure via the Internet. Combined with famous Canadian birthdays and historical events, there is […]