The Dollar Value Per Social Share for Canadian Events [Infographic]

The Dollar Value Per Social Share for Canadian Events [Infographic]

Eventbrite is a very popular global event management portal with which you can create, share, and join any event. You can create an organizer profile, offer tickets (free, sale or donation), and even design an affiliate program for your specific event. They offer a free trial if you’d like to give it a whirl.

What to Look for in a URL Shortener

What to Look for in a URL Shortener

Affiliate marketers and ezine publishers have been using URL shortening tools for more than a decade.  They can cloak affiliate links to prevent commission hijacking or affiliate bypassing.  Shortened URL’s also prevent broken links in e-mail from line character limits.  With the advent of character-limited social media, they’ve taken on a new role of lowering […]

How Top Companies Use Social Media [Statistics]

How Top Companies Use Social Media [Statistics]

Canadian businesses can learn a lot from Fortune Global 100 companies about how to use social media and online discussion to promote their brand and engage consumers.  Marketers can also watch and learn from Canada’s top public companies that have a strong social media presence. Following is a list of the known social networks that […]

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