12 Kinds of Valentine’s Day Content That Online Shoppers Love

Canadians are world leaders in love and sentimentality, and the amount we spend on it is growing five times faster than our international counterparts. Naturally, we’ll be buying Valentine’s Day gifts for our sweethearts, family members (including pets), and also ourselves.

Last year, 54 percent of Canadian men and 37 percent of Canadian women planned to buy a gift for their Valentine. Men are the big spenders, with 74 percent spending $50-$100. Sixty-four percent of women will spend under $50.

Online Shopping for Valentine’s Day

The increase in online shopping overall will be reflected in Valentine’s Day 2021 shopping habits. HelloSafe.ca predicts almost twice as many transactions (56 percent) will be completed online in Quebec alone.

The actual purchase is the endgame, but first you have to bring shoppers to your website. The most effective and budget-friendly way to do that is with outstanding content that informs and guides online shoppers.

Gift Research

If the 2020 holiday season is any indication, most Canadians will be researching gifts online. In fact, only seniors prefer to do more of their shopping research in-store (61 percent). All other generations prefer to research online.

Top 10 research sources:

  • Online retailers 63%
  • Search engines 54%
  • Retail stores 47%
  • Retailer website or app 46%
  • Family/friends/colleagues 38%
  • Brand website or app 32%
  • Third-party review or price comparison site 21%
  • Social media 21%
  • Print media 15%
  • TV & radio 9%

The opportunity to create content that attracts shoppers at the research stage is massive. Once you have them there, make it easy for them to finish their research with a purchase from you.

Valentine’s Day Content That Sells

1.   Money is tight and is likely to remain so long after the pandemic is over. Any deals you can extend will be popular, but go with the ones that benefit you most. Reward programs, for example, could cost the same amount as a sale or coupon, but it will encourage repeat customers. Therefore, it has a better chance of rewarding the business as much as the consumer.

When it comes to content, create posts and gift guides that feature budget-friendly gifts or other ways to save money on Valentine’s Day. For instance, if you’re in a food niche you could suggest 10 romantic home-cooked meals that will save money on dining out.

2.  Don’t forget all of the Canadians who are treating themselves this Valentine’s Day. Twenty-seven percent of Canadians are likely to buy themselves a gift for a special occasion, such as their birthday, Christmas or Valentine’s Day, spending $116 on average.

On this day of love, the reason could be anything from self-care or a statement that they don’t need someone else to make them feel special. Keep that in mind as you choose topics that empower and nurture people who are not currently in a relationship.

3.  Get creative and stretch your niche to include other recipients of Valentine’s Day gifts, such as pets, children and single friends or family.

4.  Add as much new, high-quality content as you can, focusing on guiding shoppers with how-to guides, product comparisons, gift guides, and other helpful information.

5.  Gift guides offer the opportunity to really show off your products. If possible, make it easy for shoppers to create a wish list too.

6.  Product reviews & comparisons are especially effective as shoppers work their way through the research process.

7.  A blog makes it easy to organize and share content. Fill it with original, in-depth content and the search engines will be all over it. It also provides fresh links to share on your social media accounts and in your newsletter.

8.  Solve problems that many people have when shopping for that special someone. Articles might include “How to Guess Her Ring Size” or “12 Little Gifts to Make Your Spouse Feel Special,” and so on.

9.  Quizzes and other interactive content engages visitors, plus you can learn more about them. Quizzes or polls that tie your product to love topics are popular around Valentine’s Day.

10. Infographics and memes on love & relationship topics, preferably with a Canadian slant. Infographics can also be used for tips, instructions or data.

11. Video content can bring in a huge number of new visitors and repeat buyers, be it on your website, on your YouTube channel, or video ads on social media. There is no more effective way to demonstrate your products and show how useful it is.

12. Put a love twist on guest posts and get them onto influential sites. We have a list of Popular Canadian Blogs to help you get started.

Don’t forget to:

  • Check your existing content or sales copy and update as necessary.
  • Decide which keywords you’ll focus on and work them into your content where they’ll be a natural fit. If you want to dive deep into keywords, try a keyword research tool like SEMRush.
  • Add a list of FAQ’s to your website. Potential customers are more likely to move on if they have to wait for a reply to a simple question. Additionally, you’ll receive far less support emails from confused shoppers. The page serves as keyword-rich content to bring in more traffic as well.
  • Have a Valentine’s Day sale, no matter what niche you’re in!

How are you luring some love to your website? In the comments below, please share your tips for creating content even cupid would love, or join us in our Facebook group.


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Assistant Editor at  | Website |  + posts

Marie has an M.Sc. in Marketing and a certificate from the Ryerson Digital Media program. She's enrolled in one course or another most of the time and is always in the middle of a new business book (or three). Marie enjoys writing, traveling and volunteering at local events & trade shows.

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